Thursday, March 26, 2009

Techniques For a More Effective Application of Email Marketing

I have been a member of Profit Lance for a few months now and I am glad to share what I have learned from it. Basically, the site taught me a lot of skills that I was able to use in my aim to increase my profit but it has also taught me cognitive skills that enabled me to feel the shift in new marketing trends.

A few years ago when the internet was just starting to become popular, e-mail marketing is already being used as an internet marketing strategy. The premise is that you acquire e-mail addresses of people and mass mail them ads of your products, just like how things are done in the conventional way where ads are inserted in mails or directly to mail slots.

Today, there is a shift in how things are done. It is not just acceptable for people to receive unsolicited e-mails. That is why most of the e-mail sites today has an anti-spam system because people just doesn't like being bombarded by ads. That is why the people who are into internet marketing have adapted a new way to market the services and products in an ethical manner.

Instead of acquiring e-mail information of other people through dubious means, you should offer if they want to receive newsletters may they be monthly, weekly or daily. A bonus of this is that when they do sign up, they are showing a genuine interest in knowing the latest news about your company and to the products and services you are offering. There is less chance that your newsletter will be categorized as junk mail.

Another advantage of this is that you are sure that you are targeting the right market specifically those that are interested in buying your products or acquire your services. Though you probably would be sending less mails than when you are still using the old means, in this method you are reaching out to the selected few who would likely respond to the ad.

Of course just make sure that you always put quality content in your newsletter. Do not make them feel like they are reading an ad because they might lose their interest if you do. Just be creative and put a content-rich newsletter. That way, they would look forward to your e-mails.

Techniques For a More Effective Application of Email Marketing Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Bambang Sumantri


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